Monday, December 7, 2009

Three US scientists win Noble prize for medicine

Updated at: 1158 PST, Monday, December 07, 2009
Three US scientists win Noble prize for medicine STOCKHOLM: One of this year's three Nobel prize winners for medicine said on she hoped their groundbreaking research could help to shed light on common, age-related diseases that AIDS sufferers face at an early stage.

Elizabeth Blackburn was one of the three Americans to win the 10 million crown ($2 million) Nobel prize for revealing the nature of telomerase, an enzyme that helps to prevent the fraying of chromosomes that underlies aging and cancer.

Blackburn told a news conference that HIV treatments, when available, had helped to make it possible for many people who suffer from AIDS to live much longer lives.

This created an opportunity for scientists to examine how the maintenance of telomeres - the small caps on the end of chromosomes that carry the DNA - relates to the underlying biology of those with AIDS.

Blackburn is Stockholm this week along with Carol Greider and British-born Jack Szostak to receive their award at a banquet on Thursday.

Prizes for the sciences and for peace were established in the will of 19th century dynamite inventor Alfred Nobel and have been handed out since 1901.


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